Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's been up

I don't really feel like I am the blogging type of person (in that I don't really ever feel like doing it), but I thought it might be nice to post a little update.

Callie will be 2 in 2 months!  I can't believe it.  She is definitely starting to develop a "2-year-old" personality.  Sometimes it is just funny to see this sweet little girl try to be feisty and sometimes even mean.  And sometimes it's a scary glimpse of what's to come in the "terrible twos".  It's hard for me to know how to respond to her sometimes, because she seems to want a reaction and I don't want to give her too much of one.  And I think she's still a little too young to understand discipline or even "I'm going to take away your sippy cup if you keep throwing it on the floor".  She's starting to test her boundaries and figure things out though.

We've been going to physical therapy about once a week at Comp Rehab.  Callie was a little wary at first, but now she gets excited when we pull up to the building and she realizes where we are.  We thought about doing home therapy, and we still might in the future, but for now it's kind of fun to go to a new place and have some new surroundings to take in.  Also, we really LOVE her therapist.  Callie's been working in a motorized wheelchair the past few weeks.  It'll be a while before she can have one of her own, but it's a good opportunity for her to try it out and get used to it.  She was a little scared of it the first time, but once she figured out that it was safe, she was unstoppable!  If I can figure out how, I'll post a video from her first day in it.  We've been practicing saying "Go, go, go, go, STOP!  Hands off!"  She's more entertained by watching me put my hands up in the air then actually doing it herself, of course.  

So I posted a while back about my cousin and good friend Jessica doing a marathon to raise money for SMA research in honor of Callie.  My mom (who has also started a blog) and brother have also decided to run with her.  My sister-to-be is also going to run a half marathon at the same race!  And I think some of her family might be joining as well.  They've decided to do a marathon in Richmond, VA at the beginning of November.  I'm really excited for them (and really anxious, because the thought of running 26.2 miles makes my whole body ache).  Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to the fundraiser so far.  Every donation has been special to me!  

Well the video is taking forever to upload, so I'll add it in a new post later.